Huion h610 driver windows 8.1
Huion h610 driver windows 8.1

huion h610 driver windows 8.1 huion h610 driver windows 8.1

For me, when I tried to click yes, it told me that it could not be removed while in use. Click on Remove Device, and it will ask you are you sure.

huion h610 driver windows 8.1

Go to settings, then Bluetooth and other devices, and then you should see your tablet named under something like 'PenTablet'. CHECK ON ANOTHER PROGRAM BEFORE ASSUMING THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH YOUR COMPUTER. ALSO: PHOTOSHOP HAS KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH THIS TABLET. I recommend reading through the steps before doing them. I tried every driver on their confusing website(s?) And nothing. When I went to draw, the lines would either shake a lot, or would lag, and always had no pressure sensitivity. It happened when I got a little message on the huion tablet message that said "device disconnected", and soon after that a message from windows saying they were setting uo my tablet. My tablet has been messed up for about a few months, and I finally figured it out after dealing with unhelpful YouTube videos, Windows support members, and huion support themselves. For people who can't get the sensitivity working, or have a 'driver disconnected' problem, or have Windows' tablet drivers overriding the huion drivers. This is for anyone who knows their tablet and pen are working fine, but for some reason won't work right with their computer. The reason this is so long is because I could not find an easy fix for this, especially because I didn't know what the problem was.

Huion h610 driver windows 8.1